Cosmic Clarity Suite - AI Based Sharpening, Denoising , Satellite Trail Removal, and now Super Resolution

Sharpening/Denoise Last Update Version 6.3 AI3.5 Dated 3.14.2024 & Seti Astro Benchmark!

Satellite Trail Removal Version 2.3 AI3 Dated 01.08.2025

- Parent Drive Folder Here Mirror Folder

Standalone Instructions

Windows, Mac, and Linux Versions Available!

- Parent Drive Folder Here Mirror Folder

Now with non-CUDA support for Windows!!! Get hardware acceleration out of your non-NVIDIA gpus!!!

  1. Download the appropriate Version for your Operating System

  2. Unzip the Version

  3. Load your images in the Input folder. Images need to be 32-bit floating point (IEEE) tif or png

  4. For Sharpening: Run SetiAstroCosmicClarity. Choose Stellar, Non-Stellar, or Both and the amounts.

  5. For Denoising: Run SetiAstroCosmicClarity_denoise. Choose Full or Luminance and the amount

  6. Processed images will be in the Output folder

PixInsight Instructions

  1. Download the appropriate Version for your Operating System

  2. Unzip the Version

  3. Use the Repository to get the PixInsight Script

  4. For Sharpening: Run Scripts->SetiAstro->Cosmic Clarity - Sharpen. Choose the type, amounts, and if the image is linear. For your first time running the script use the wrench icon to tell the script where the folder is!!

  5. For Denoising: Run Scripts->SetiAstro->Cosmic Clarity - Denoise. Choose the type, amounts, and if the image is linear. For your first time running the script use the wrench icon to tell the script where the folder is!!

  6. Processed images will be imported back into PI and temp files removed.

PixInsight script interface repository URL:

LINUX Users: GNOME Terminal required.

  • sudo apt update

    sudo apt install gnome-terminal